Dr. Aseel has over 28 years of experience in the field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. She is a
Belgium trained with a special interest in Cosmetic Gynaecology and regularly performs laser
rejuvenation procedures, has training in France for rejuvenations and Aesthetic Gynaecology. Dr. Aseel is a Celebrity Doctor
She is very experienced in the management of high risk obstetric patients, ectopic
pregnancies and has treated patients who have complex medical problems during
pregnancy like diabetes or hypertension. She is trained in full fetal diagnosis, antenatal
management and ultrasound screening for fetal abnormalities. She performs all types of
deliveries and caesarian section.
Dr. Aseel has gained vast experience in screening, diagnosing and managing patients who
have breast or gynaecology related cancer including colposcopy procedures, vaccination for
cervical cancer, pap smear procedures and cervical cancer screening.
Dr. Aseel regularly performs Laparoscopic surgeries for various gynaecological conditions
like ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy, removal of fibroids and polyps.